Sell tickets direct on your website

With our simple copy and paste integration widgets

Widget Options
Select Your Widget Type
Multiple Dates
Event List
Responsive Design

Fully Responsive

Mobile, tablet or desktop? All our widgets work on all devices using responsive design, with all features available, regardless to device.

Website Protected

Your Protected

All our security features work automatically on all widgets so your customers aren't less than safe than using your box office.

Stay Website

Never Leave Your Website

Sell tickets direct from your website without your customers ever visiting us, helping improve conversion rates and push your brand further.

Integrate Website

Simple To Integrate

Integration is easy, just copy a short code onto your web page and the widget will load and resize itself depending on your web page design.


If you still have any questions, then please get in contact in with the team, so we can answer your questions.

Contact Support

Do all features work on the integration widgets?

Yes, all the features work on both your box office and integration widgets. There are no limitations in using our widgets.

Is there a cost to use your widgets?

All our widgets are free to use, there are no additional costs to sell tickets direct from your website.

Can I remove the Powered by Ticketmeo?

Please get in contact with the team, and we will discuss how to remove the powered by footer.

Can I use multiple widgets on one page?

Yes, you can add multiple widgets on one page however we would recommend displaying all your events instead.

Help, I can't add Javascript on my site?

Sorry, you must be able to use Javascript on your website to be able to use our integration widgets.

Do the widgets work on WordPress?

Please see our WordPress plugin to sell tickets direct from your website by clicking here

Get started today

Create your event today and start selling tickets to your attendees with no hidden fees or upfront costs.